Friday, May 13, 2011

Peacock Maze 2

Yeesh. This took me forever. Atm there is no end XD cause I have to see if it's even possible yet. You can try it out and tell me if there is a plausible ending exit on the other side of the peacock!


  1. Wow - this is totally amazing. @_____@
    I'm gonna print this out and try it out and see if there really IS an exit. Haha :D I'll let you know if I figure one out!

  2. Well, I found a possibility of an ending on the other side of the peacock. I scanned in a copy of my tracking before my daughter drew all over it. XD I can email you my track if you'd like :)

  3. Made it directly across the bird :) any further down and I'd be cut off though. Cool beans Christina!

  4. I'm impressed to think there actually is a beginning and end to this! Well done! Hard work, but it paid off

  5. Woot! I'm so glad you guys actually did it! And I'd love the tracks you guys found! You are all awesomeeee!
