Thursday, May 12, 2011


I have been a fan of Evangelion for years. Finally saw the 2nd movie-thing in the chronicle of films, and wow, love.

Anyways, Mari here was the latest addition to the cast. She was cool, fun, and awesome. Go characters with glasses! Too often they're kept to "smart" and "meek" stereotypes and I hated it. She proves the first, without falling to the second. And by smart, I think "crazy" works here too.

Oddly, out of all things, I like the "sketched text" at the bottom, I was proud of how I did it. I'll be sittin' here pattin' mah back.

Tomorrow's drawing plan: a man with a sophisticated mustache.


  1. Awesome. I like it when you draw in an anime-influenced style. Incidentally, I don't know anything about Evangelion (except that that name is great), but this character has always seemed sexy and cool.

  2. Evangelion was so great! Havent seen any of the refurbished series yet though xD
