Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Hello!  I wish I had time to post more, but I work so much :( I'll try to update as much as I can.  Anyway, we're printing new nametags at work (Zeroedge), so I made myself a new one. Done in illustrator.  I think I might add a texture over the owl, just an overlay.
Also, I'm working on caricatures of the staff members of my work for our website launch in a month of so, so once I have some good stuff from that I'll post it :)


  1. An owl? What a surprise! :p
    This looks great, I didn't know illustrator could produce this much depth

  2. Aw! How cute!!
    One thing that drives me nuts about "cute-ified" animals, is the discrepancy between their real-life counterparts. In which case, owls tend to stare deep into the soul. I wanna hug the shit outta this one though. x)
